In addition to the Ministry of Housing core programmes the Fijian Government, through the Ministry has introduced a number of other housing assistance programs specifically targeted at different segments of our communities:
Housing Authority of Fiji
Established in 1955, the Housing Authority plays a critical role in providing affordable housing to low and middle income earners across Fiji. The Authority currently provides fully serviced lots/units and mortgage financing for customers to acquire lots/units for house construction.
Since 2009, three subdivisions namely Wainibuku, Matavolivoli and Tacirua have completed and assisted over 1400 households. Five capital projects in Nepani, Davuilevu, Tavakubu, Koronisalusalu (Tavua) and Wainibuku Stage 2 are currently on-going and are currently earmarked for the Housing PPP (Public Private Partnership) opportunities that the Government is currently exploring with assistance from International Financial Corporation (“IFC”).
While the ground work is being carried out for the Housing Public Private Partnership (PPP), the Housing Authority is working on a number of other projects which are scheduled for completion in the next three years. These projects are in Covata (Labasa), Waila City (Davuilevu), Tacirua Stage 3, Veisari and Veikoba. Upon completion of these five projects, a further 2,400 lots will be available to low and mid income earners.
For further information, you may visit: http://www.housing.com.fj/
Public Rental Board
The Public Rental Board (“PRB”) was established in 1989 to provide affordable, quality and appropriate rental flats for low income earners.
Currently the PRB provides a total of 1636 rental flats in 25 housing estates across Fiji; 4 PRB housing estates in the Northern divisions, 15 housing estates in the Central Division and 6 housing estates in the Western Division.
For further information, you may visit: www.housing.com.fj/public-rental-board/
Housing Assistance Relief Trust (HART)
This program is targeted at providing immediate and temporary housing assistance for vulnerable families – single mothers, victims of domestic violence etc. HART currently provides shelter to over 800 families in the central, west and northern divisions. The Government has allocated $400,000 to assist HART homes in the current financial year.
For further information, you may email HART on hart@unwired.com.fj
Koro-i-pita Model Town Charitable Trust
The Koroipita Model Town Charitable Trust is a Non-Governmental organisation, which is committed to building engineered and serviced, subdivisions and cyclone- safe houses. In addition to this, the NGO also provides guidance and support for the advancement of poor families by way of a holistic and dynamic community development programme.
The Fijian Government has allocated $ 980,000 in the 2019/2020 budget to assist in completing Stage 3 and Stage 4 of the project. This will assist in the construction of another 145 houses to shelter approximately 580 marginalized Fijians. The New Zealand Aid Program continues to support the project with assistance for operating expenses.
For further information, you may visit: www.mtctfiji.org/koroipita-model-town/
UN - HABITAT - Fiji Resilient Informal Settlements
In partnership with UN - Habitat and the Climate Change Unit of the Government of Fiji, the Ministry implements this programme to support the most vulnerable communities in building adaptive capacity against climate change and disaster risks. A funding assistance of US$4.2 million is provided through the Adaptation Fund for this program.
Vulnerable communities in 16 informal settlements across four (4) urban areas - Lautoka, Sigatoka, Nadi and Lami have been identified and initial capital works under this project is expected to commence towards the end of 2020. This project will benefit over 6,200 Fijians with improved resilience to climate change effects.
For further information, you may visit their website: https://unhabitat.org
Revitalising Informal Settlements and Their Environments (RISE)
RISE is a research-based program initiated by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) under its program ‘Future Cities’, and is led by Monash Sustainable Development Institute. RISE aims to be the first to implement a nature-based approach called Water Sensitive Cities (WSC) which is a water management infrastructure that enables communities to easily access clean water, sanitation services and build resilience against climate change.
RISE Fiji involves 12 sites and will be carried out in two phases with six sites in each phase. The successful implementation of RISE program will enable approximately 3,600 Fijians living in these twelve project sites to recycle their wastewater, harvest rainwater, create green space food cultivation and water cleansing, restore waterways to reduce vulnerability to flooding and strengthen climate resilience.
For more information, you may visit: https://www.rise-program.org